What now?

So, what can be done at Gettysburg College? The school can see if the trash can’s locations are in the right areas and help, have a campaign and a school event where students help pick up litter and educate the students on what will happen if they litter. Students here have never seen a litter campaign and this is an easy step in the right direction.

Making trash cans more accessible on the path can help students throw away their trash instead of dropping it on the ground. The trash cans on campus also overflow and are not taken out enough.

These trash cans at Jaeger centers have too much trash and have the potential of turning into litter due to wind. In this condition, these trash cans can be more harmful than beneficial.

Other colleges have anti-littering campaigns that have been very successful. Eco-schools has a campaign called Litter less Campaign where they educate students and youth around the world. They do awareness raising activities which is an easy way to help students understand why you shouldn’t litter. Gettysburg College could easily implement activities to raise students awareness levels.

All over campus there are bulletin boards full of activities on campus. The school could make fact sheets about littering to educate students. The fact sheets could include information about how litter harms the environment and why you should pick up litter when you see it.

This fact sheet is straight to the point and gives the reader easy solutions to help the environment. Gettysburg College could start small by making something similar. Taking small steps in the right direction may not seem a lot, but every campaign has to start somewhere. People are also more likely to listen if the steps are not challenging and easy to implement in their life.


“About the Campaign.” Eco Schools, https://www.ecoschools.global/about-the-campaign. 

“Litter Prevention Tips.” MDOT, https://litter.mdot.ms.gov/litter-facts/prevention-tips/.